Thursday, 09/05/2013, 16:1 GMT+7

Sending samples

The state of the sample is one important element affecting the quality of analytical results. Thus, it is necessary to select, and preserve carefully and reasonably sample being sent for testing.

For customer to get the best service from CASE, please kindly take notice to the following regulations when sending samples to CASE:

  1. The volume and number of samples

Depending on the nature of the sample (food, feed, fertilizers, environment ...) and the number of targets to be analyzed, sample volume can be changed. However, conventional minimum quantity is 300-500g.

For the purpose of storage of samples to address the following questions after informing results, each sample should provide a minimum of 2 units with the same status.

In the particular case or requiring further information, please contact to the department for receiving samples for taking advice and further instructions.

  1. Packaging

To ensure the quality and original condition of samples, you should:

  • For the dry samples: it is necessary to put in plastic bag, then welded or sealed
  • For liquid samples: should put them in glass bottles or plastic bottles. Do not get in a plastic bag for easily leaking, flowing out damage and lading to loss of form.
  • For samples be cryopreserved (meat, fish, butter, milk ...) should be put them in a plastic bag, then be  welded or sealed. To avoid damage, should put them in a cooler when delivering to us.
  • Microbiological samples: should put one unit out of samples when testing other targets.
  • For  products owning special properties; you should clearly explain when making transaction or contecting to Division for receiving samples
  1. Required information

Please fill the relevant information in the attached form “Form on requiring analysis". The information in this form is is necessary for us to receive and analyze samples.

You can send the form directly to the address CASE: 2 Nguyen Van Thu, F. Da Kao, District 1, HCMC, or contact us via phone 08 39100826 for assistance to receive samples at your agency.

Time for receiving samples from 7:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30 every day from Monday to Saturday

  1. Time for analyzing

Depending on customer’s requirements (fast, urgent or normal status). Additionally, the number of days the customer receives the results depends on the complexity and number of samples.
Normally, the time for analyszing seafood samples is 4-5 days, and the remaining samples from 7-8 days.

  1. Time for reserving samples

When the customer requires to store samples, CASE will save samples under the appropriate conditions with the nature of the sample. Normally, samples are stored for 5 days (5 working days) from the date of appointment for informing results.

For the requirements be clarified, regarding to volume, number of samples, packaging, timing analysis, ... please contact us or phone 08 38291744 ; 08 38221276 for taking advice.


  • 02 Nguyen Van Thu Street, Da Kao Ward, Distrist 1 Ho Chi Minh City
  • Tel : 0283-829-5087 - Fax : 0283-911-5119
  • Email : casehcm@case.vn
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